Thursday, May 25.
08.00-08.50 | Registration |
08.50-09.10 | Opening remarks & Announcement by Ferenc Darvas, Flow Chemistry Society, Switzerland, Hungary |
09.10-09.45 | Alexei Lapkin – University of Cambridge, UK Keynote presentation: From heuristics and intuition to algorithmic development of robust flow chemistry processes |
09.45-10.10 | Richard Bourne – University of Leeds, UK Self-Optimising Reactors for Industry 4.0 |
10.10-10.35 | Norbert Kockmann – TU Dortmund University, Germany Data-Driven Flow Chemistry – Lab Automation, AI Supported Modules, and Scale-up |
10.35-11.00 | Coffee break |
11.00-11.25 | Dario Cambié – Max-Planck Institute, Germany Digitalization of Chemistry with Automated Flow Platforms |
11.25-11.50 | Brenda Pijper – Janssen Research and Development, Janssen-Cilag, Spain Flow chemistry as a key tool for drug discovery: an automated library synthesis platform to increase Fsp3 |
11.50-12.15 | Ricardo Labes – Syngenta, UK Flow Chemistry at Syngenta |
12.15-13.30 | Lunch |
13.30-13.55 | Mike George – University of Nottingham, UK Scalable Continuous Photochemical & Electrochemical Reactions: Reactors and Pat Challenges: From Picoseconds to Tonnes |
13.55-14.20 | Alessandra Puglisi – University of Milan, Italy Continuous Flow Technologies: A Powerful Tool for the Synthesis of Chiral Molecules |
14.20-14.45 | Jean-Christophe Monbaliu – University of Liege, Belgium Make nitroso reagents great again |
14.45-15.15 | Coffee break |
15.15-16.15 | Poster Session |
16.15-16.40 | Marcus Baumann – University College Dublin, Ireland Continuous Flow Synthesis of Drug-like Entities Exploiting Photochemistry and High-Energy Intermediates |
16.40-17.05 | Shawn K Collins – University of Montreal, Canada Photochemical Macrocyclization in Flow |
17.15-19.30 | Poster Award Ceremony and Pizza & Beer Reception |
Friday, May 26.
09.00-09.35 | Shu Kobayashi – University of Tokyo, Japan Keynote presentation: Continuous-Flow Enantioselective Reactions with Heterogeneous Chiral Catalysts and Sequential Transformations |
09.35-10.00 | Renzo Luisi – University of Bari, Italy Flow chemistry as enabling technology for exploring new chemical space and developing sustainable synthetic tactics |
10.00-10.25 | Anna Slater – University of Liverpool, UK Flow for the supramolecular chemist: challenges and opportunities |
10.25-10.50 | Timothy Noël – University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Innovation in synthetic fluorine chemistry through use of flow |
10.50-11.20 | Coffee break |
11.20-11.45 | Cecilia Bottecchia – MSD, USA Recent Flow Chemistry Efforts at MSD: scaling photochemistry and electrochemistry |
11.45-12.10 | Benjamin Martin – Novartis Pharma AG, Switzerland Recognizing 15 Years of Continuous Academic-Industrial Collaboration to establish Continuous Manufacturing at Novartis |
12.10-12.35 | Wei Sun – AstraZeneca, UK Arene and Benzylic bromination under continuous flow using in-situ generated bromine |
12.35-13.35 | Industrial flash presentations: Magritek GmbH by Anna Gerdova: New Benchmark for Benchtop Nmrs: Ultra-High Resolution Spinsolve Systems from Magritek; HNP Mikrosysteme GmbH by Carsten Damerau: About Dynamic Micromixing; Autichem Ltd by David Morris: Flow Reactor Mixing Methodologies; ThalesNano Inc. by Nándor Kánya: Enabling Photochemistry in Batch and Continuous Flow in One Instrument – Recent Synthetic Results; Vapourtec Ltd by Ben Showell: Current trends and application in flow chemistry; PharmaBlock (USA) Inc by Pedro Usandizaga: The ACS Green Chemistry Awarded Project – A Continuous Flow Manufacturing Process for a Useful Intermediate. |
13.35-15.00 | Lunch |
15.00-15.25 | Nina Hartrampf – University of Zurich, Switzerland Flow-based methods for chemical peptide and protein synthesis |
15.25-15.50 | Mimi Hii – Imperial College London, UK A Continuous Process for the Dynamic Kinetic Resolution of Chiral Amines |
15.50-16.15 | Filipe Vilela – Heriot-Watt University, UK Photocatalysis in Flow: Technologies for Accelerating Sustainable Synthesis |
16.15-16.35 | Closing Remarks by Ferenc Darvas & Timothy Noël |